New blog posts available on:
17 March 2020
Prepare for Coronavirus in Pregnancy
20 February 2020
Breathing during labour
25 October 2019
Pelvic Floor strength and length
Perhaps you've already heard how the pelvic floor acts like a hammock for our internal organs. It holds up our uterus, bladder, intestines, (basically all your abdominal organs) in place. Throughout pregnancy with your uterus and baby growing and becoming heavier extra strain is placed on the pelvic floor.
A weak pelvic floor can lead to:
• stress/urgency incontinence
• affect your sex life and ability to orgasm(!)
• bad posture
• lower back pain
• your baby not being able to turn in an optimum position during first stage of labour
• vaginal prolapse (extreme cases)
Stress incontinence - when you sneeze or laugh too hard some urine comes out.
Urgency incontinence - when you urgently "need to go" and run to the toilet but don't make it in time.
Vaginal prolapse - the vaginal wall muscles weaken, come down and sometimes out of the vaginal opening.
You can see how important these muscles are!
What some people don't realise is that as well as strengthening them, these muscles need to be lengthened and relaxed. Why? Because your baby needs to be able to pass through them during the second stage of labour.
Anecdotally, the women who have the strongest pelvic floor (cyclists, horse-back riders, even yogis) tend to have the longest labours. Why? Because their strong pelvic floor doesn't allow baby to pass through easily.
Some people call the second stage of labour the pushing stage, which it is, however this term can be confusing. When you think of pushing, you think of contracting and squeezing your muscles very tightly. The trick is that you are squeezing your abdominal muscles and the top of your uterus (to push your baby down the birth canal) but you are relaxing your pelvic floor muscles to enable your baby to pass through. Your body needs to do slightly contradictory actions. But don't worry, if you don't have interventions, your body instinctively knows what to do when you get to the "involuntary pushing" stage, which happens if you let your body do its natural thing.
This is also known as the fetal ejection reflex - check out this brilliant post why some babies are born in cars!
To download a specialised info sheet on various tried and tested pelvic floor exercises designed by midwives and yoga teachers - CLICK HERE. And let me know how you get on with them!
10 September 2019
Tips for your birth partners!
Worried you may not get the support you want or need? Is your birth partner anxious that they won't know how to help you in the way you need them to? Get your birth partner prepared before the big day by giving them a list of how they can help you in the best possible way. Perhaps print this off and pass it onto them.
- Give her positive encouragement and reassurance, speak quietly and gently
- If things seem to be getting intense - maintain eye contact and remain calm
- Plenty of massage (if wanted - not every women likes a massage)
- Encourage her to breath slowly and steadily – concentrating on a long outbreath
- Remind her to relax her jaw, and drop her shoulders
- Encourage her to eat easily digestible snacks, and keep hydrated
- Help her to reapply lip balm, face mist, moisturiser as needed
- Act as advocate – explain her needs (and yours) to healthcare staff and ensure they read your birth plan
- Remind staff to ask for her consent before they do any interventions
- Keep your own strength up – sandwiches, biscuits, drinks, rest
- Remember to enjoy the birth of your child together!
- Before making any big decisions - remember the acronym:
B enefits
R isks
A lternatives
I nstinct
N othing
Feel free to add any of your own tips!
These tips and more will be covered at my private antenatal workshop series for expectant parents. For more information and to book use the contact form to send me a message.
27 August 2019
What to do when your waters break?
It is safe for your waters to break at term, ie from 37 weeks onwards.
Amniotic fluid is normally clear or pale straw colour. If it is any other colour or if your waters break at less than 37 weeks, please contact your hospital.
If ‘your waters break’ (known clinically as ‘rupture of membranes'), you should:
- make a note of the time at which it happened
- Put on a pad
- Note the colour of the fluid
- If unsure whether it is amniotic fluid - take a sniff - amniotic fluid has a sweet/almond smell, whereas urine smells like, well urine. And normal discharge is odourless.
It is easier to see the colour if you place a sanitary pad in your underwear. A normal colour can be clear, pale straw, or lightly blood-stained. It's not always a gush of water - sometimes it can be a slow and continuous trickle.
You could also have some “show”. This is also known as your ‘mucous plug’ and has the consistency of jelly. It can be clear-coloured or blood-stained, and could indicate that your cervix is softening and starting to dilate. If you have a show it doesn’t necessarily mean that labour is imminent - some women have it a week before going into labour, and others only right before the birth itself.
Sometimes your waters break before you have surges or contractions, and occasionally your waters never break and your baby is born in an intact membrane sac. This is called to be born ‘en caul’ – it is very rare and is thought to be extremely lucky!
If the colour of your waters is greenish, brownish or bright red with fresh blood you should consult your hospital. Green or brown/black waters indicate the presence of ‘meconium’ which is your baby’s first poo.
If you’d like to keep updated whenever a new blog post comes out then sign up to my newsletter. If you would like to book an antenatal one-off appointment with me to go over your options and more in-depth information please contact me here. These appointments last between 1-2 hours until all your questions are answered.
13 August 2019
Positive Birth Stories: Induction of labour can be a positive experience!
I'm thankful for receiving your positive birth stories - it is most helpful for pregnant women in a world that is full of fear, misinformation, and dramatisation in the media. Please do share your birth stories so that they may help others. If you would like to come into one of my pregnancy yoga classes and share your story to mums-to-be (as in this post) please contact me, as I'm sure the mums-to-be would really appreciate it!
2 April 2019
Placentas and Placentophagy - is it weird fad or delicious and nutritious?
There is a growing trend in consuming your own placenta for health benefits – this is called placentophagy. You may have heard of some people eating their own placenta and raving about the benefits. Or you may get squeamish at the thought of eating an organ that your body has made.
One can consume their own placenta (or someone else’s) in various forms:
- as a smoothie mixed in with fruit, yoghurt and/or milk
- sautéed and fried
- mixed in with ground beef in a lasagne
- dried, ground and encapsulated
- in a tincture
- if you are feeling brave – have it raw (but washed)
For humans, this practice is fairly recent. However, animals have been eating their own placenta forever and they eat it raw straight after the birth. It is thought they eat it so they get rid of any smell that will attracts predators – so it is a preservation thing.
In humans, the first record of placentophagy are tied to the natural birth and home birth movement in the US during the 60s. However, it is only in the last 10 years that it was become a well-known practice. The recent popularity is mainly due to greater awareness in the media. A number of doula and midwives advocate this practice. During my years working as a midwife I rarely came across it whilst working in the NHS, however, it was very common practice amongst my clients as an independent midwife. Again, this can be attributed to number of home births I did and perhaps with women wanting to explore alternative treatments for a healthier lifestyle.
So, what are the benefits? It is thought to:
- boost milk production
- fight postpartum depression
- reduce pain in recovery
- increase energy
- increase iron-intake
Unfortunately, not much research has been done on the amounts of nutrients in a placenta and if the cooking/dehydrating process degrades the beneficial hormones and nutrients.
After the birth, the midwife will check the placenta and cord for any abnormalities – this forms part of the clinical care of the mother and baby. If there are abnormalities it is recommended your placenta be sent for analysis. Ask her to show you what she is looking out for. I’ve had plenty of clients ask me to show them their placenta and how it functions and they are all in awe that their body made this organ! It is fascinating (I think)! If the placenta is ok, then feel free to ask to keep it. This is your organ and therefore you have the right to decide what to do with your own placenta.
This topic will be covered further on my private antenatal course for new expectant parents. For more information on this course - see here Private Birth Preparation.
If you are interested in tasting your own placenta but are too squeamish to eat it in its original form, you can have it dried, ground up into powder and encapsulated. I can recommend Doulas of Kew who offer this service - you need to book and arrange it with advance notice so please book early.
12 February 2019
What to do when your waters break?
It is safe for your waters to break at term, ie from 37 weeks onwards.
Amniotic fluid is normally clear or pale straw colour. If it is any other colour or if your waters break at less than 37 weeks, please contact your hospital.
If ‘your waters break’ (known clinically as ‘rupture of membranes'), you should make a note of the time at which it happened, and the colour of the fluid. It is easier to see the colour if you place a sanitary pad in your underwear. A normal colour can be clear, pale straw, or lightly blood-stained. It's not always a gush of water - sometimes it can be a slow and continuous trickle.
You could also have some “show”. This is also known as your ‘mucous plug’ and has the consistency of jelly. It can be clear-coloured or blood-stained, and could indicate that your cervix is softening and starting to dilate. If you have a show it doesn’t necessarily mean that labour is imminent - some women have it a week before going into labour, and others only right before the birth itself.
Sometimes your waters break before you have surges or contractions, and occasionally your waters never break and your baby is born in an intact membrane sac. This is called to be born ‘en caul’ – it is very rare and is thought to be extremely lucky!
If the colour of your waters is greenish, brownish or bright red with fresh blood you should consult your hospital. Green or brown/black waters indicate the presence of ‘meconium’ which is your baby’s first poo. I will write more about meconium in next week’s post.
If you’d like to keep updated whenever a new blog post comes out then sign up to my newsletter. If you would like to book an antenatal one-off appointment with me to go over your options and more in-depth information please contact me here. These appointments last between 1-2 hours until all your questions are answered.
29 January 2019
The Power of Oxytocin!
Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”, is produced when you feel safe, loved, happy, warm. You produced it when you are falling in love, when you are intimate with your partner, and when you are breastfeeding.
Oxytocin is the most important of several hormones involved in the birth process. Without oxytocin, labour won’t start and won’t progress.
Pharmaceutical companies have produced a synthetic version of oxytocin called syntocinon. The latter is used during induction of labour and augmentation.
However, since oxytocin is also known as the “shy hormone” it is only produced if the circumstances are right.
- Oxytocin thrives in: darkness or dim lighting, quiet, warmth, privacy, safety, feeling loved, trusted birth supporters.
- Oxytocin dislikes: noise, bright lights, strangers, cold, fear, unfamiliar environments.
It is for this reason when women move from their home to the hospital during early labour – things tend to slow down or even stop altogether. The change in environment, the unfamiliarity of the midwives/doctors/surroundings, the noise level, it all stops oxytocin in its tracks. As things slow down, women are sent back home to await progress.
The trick is to go to hospital or, in the case of a home birth, call the midwife when things are properly established.
It is easier for your body to produce oxytocin when you are at home. This is why I recommend staying at home as long as possible so that labour is indeed established or perhaps even consider a homebirth.
As you release oxytocin your body is also releasing endorphins which act like a natural pain relief. This is one thing that synthetic oxytocin cannot replicate. Hence why induced or augmented labours feel more intense and women tend to reach out for stronger pain relief, such as epidurals.
Another hormone involved in the birth process is adrenaline, which blocks oxytocin from being produced. Adrenaline is released when you are scared, intimidated, anxious and is your body’s natural mechanism so that you have energy to either “fight or take flight”. You want to keep adrenaline at bay. At least for most of the duration of labour until the last part right before your baby is born your body will have an adrenaline boost which is needed to push your baby out.
5 top tips for keeping oxytocin levels high whether you are at hospital or having a home birth:
- Keep the room dark, safe and cosy; close curtains, turn off lights, use candle lighting (real or if in hospital take the electric candles), make a nest using cushions and blankets.
- Ask your partner for a massage using calming essential oils (frankincense, lavender, or my favourite is a Balance blend from doTERRA).
- Stick positive affirmations around your room.
- Put up pictures of people or places you love, or happy times in your life.
- Ask everyone in the room to either keep quiet or use hushed voices.
I am holding a Birth Preparation Antenatal Course for couples called Birth Journey in March-April. If you are keen on learning more about how to keep your oxytocin levels high and how your partner can further help you please contact me. For more details click here: Birth Journey information.
18 December 2018
Breastfeeding top tips!
In my experience, mothers who do wish to breastfeed will give up due to being inadequately prepared to get off to a good start. I know from experience how busy the postnatal ward in hospital can be and the midwives are run off their feet trying to help as much as they can. This is why learning the basics beforehand can prove to be invaluable! According to a study in the USA, 92% of first time mothers report difficulties breastfeeding within 3 days after birth. The 3 common problems reported were:
- Nipple pain
- Difficulty attaching
- Concerns about inadequate milk production
However, do not worry about the above – read on to find out how to remedy this.
The more comfortable and calm you are - the more oxytocin will be released. Oxytocin plays an important part in milk production and the let-down reflex.
My top 3 tips before you start to breastfeed:
- Notice your baby’s feeding signals before she starts to cry
- Get yourself in a comfortable position so that your muscles can relax
- Have some water and snacks to hand before starting – breastfeeding is a thirsty and hungry activity
Watch this video on how to position and attach a baby optimally - Attaching Your Baby at the Breast(10 minutes).
Summary points for positioning and attachment:
- Baby’s head, neck, shoulders and hips in line – making it easier for your baby to swallow
- Wait for wide open mouth before attaching on the breast – so that baby takes in as much breast as possible and the nipple reaches the soft palate of her mouth
- Baby’s chin pressed into the breast
- Lower lip turned out
- More aerola should be seen above the baby’s mouth
- Baby’s cheeks should be rounded (not sucked in)
- One or two sucks to swallow ratio
Would you be interested in doing an Infant Feeding session with me? This session will help prepare you in advance for when your newborn arrives. We will cover correct positioning and attachment; signs that baby is feeding well; weight gain and loss in the first week; manual expressing; engorgement and mastitis; bottle feeding; skin to skin; managing expectations; tongue-tie. If you would like to book this session contact me here.
4 December 2018
How to make the right decisions for a better pregnancy
Knowledge is Power!
Have you ever felt overwhelmed perhaps there are too many choices and you just don't know which to pick? Or perhaps you would like more information from your doctor or midwife regarding a test before making your decision.
I will teach you this easy way to put your thoughts all in order so that you can evaluate which approach/choice works best for you. Being a major decision-maker in your own pregnancy journey is empowering and research has proven it makes for a more positive experience.
I do so love a good acronym (who doesn't?!) Whenever you are offered a test or intervention, remember your.....
B - BENEFITS - these depend on your situation, there are some procedures that you may have normally wanted to avoid that are beneficial in other circumstances.
R - RISKS - healthcare providers generally inform you of major known risks, however you may need to do some of your own research. Care providers' own beliefs and experiences based on their personal and professional backgrounds may affect how they talk about the relative benefits and risks.
A - ALTERNATIVES - there are alternative treatments in the form of other pharmacological medicine or complementary therapies. Formal research into complementary therapies are hard to come by due to lack of funding (there's no money to be gained by pharmacological companies!). Keep in mind that midwives are experts in normal births whereas doctors are experts in complex births.
I - INTUITION - call this your gut instinct. Deep down there's a voice or a feeling telling you which decision feels best for you, listen to this voice. It deserves to be heard.
N - NOTHING - ask yourself, what if you do nothing? This can be a valid alternative at times. Choosing nothing can also be helpful in giving you more space to consider your options. You may want to check if it is possible to changer your mind at a later stage. Your healthcare providers should also uphold the right of their patients/clients to make a polite "informed refusal" of an intervention.
Let's look at an example - vaginal examinations in labour to check for progress.
can give an indication of your progress in labour
it can also give the midwife useful information of the baby's position (if your waters have broken)
if the labour has slowed down or stalled - it can give the midwife a clear picture why it is slow and whether any intervention is necessary for labour to progress.
it can be intensely uncomfortable
it only tells you a snap shot of your progress at that time, it does not have any predictive value for how much longer it will take
it can introduce infection for the baby if the waters have broken
if the dilation is not as much as expected it can lead to disappointment
there are external visual signs that a midwife can look out for such as the purple line (a dark line that starts at the anus and moves up the cleft or bum crack - when it is all the way to the top, your cervix is approximately fully dilated)
if your breathing or the sounds you make has changed
the length and frequency of the contractions/surges
passing the mucous plug or the "show" can indicate progress
noticed a change in your emotions
Intuition: ask yourself why do you want to know your dilation? Once you have the result, will it change how you manage your labour?
Nothing: perhaps you do not want any vaginal examinations at this time or perhaps you do not want any examinations at all. What would happen then? Is an examination really necessary? Will it change the way your labour is managed?
You can use the BRAIN acronym to help with writing your birth plan. Or you can access my private birth preferences/birth plan sessions and I can help you navigate through the many options. Click HERE for more information.
20 November 2018
Positive Birth Stories: Induction of labour can be a positive experience!
I'm thankful for receiving your positive birth stories - it is most helpful for pregnant women in a world that is full of fear, misinformation, and dramatisation in the media. Please do share your birth stories so that they may help others. If you would like to come into one of my pregnancy yoga classes and share your story in person (as in this post) please contact me.
28 August 2018
Tips from an osteopath: strengthen your core, pelvic floor and glutes! (guest post)
Pregnancy stimulates a variety of changes in your body in response to your growing baby. Some of these changes are fairly obvious, such as an increase in weight and posture adaptations, however, there are subtler changes that also occur. One of the most important changes is the softening of your ligaments in preparation for birth. These important adaptations can often lead to symptoms such as low back, joint and pelvic pains.
These symptoms are completely normal and osteopathic treatment can be very effective in helping the body acclimatise to these often-uncomfortable changes. The gentle and safe application of massage and joint mobilisation techniques can be very helpful at alleviating discomfort as your pregnancy progresses.
As your body goes through these postural and structural changes, it is important to strengthen your abdominal, back, pelvic floor and buttock muscles. During pregnancy there is an increase demand of these muscles and strengthening them can be extremely helpful in preventing and decreasing back pain. Three of my favourite strengthening exercises are the following, but it is always worth checking with your therapist to see if they are suitable for you:
- Bridges (Early Pregnancy/ First & Second Trimester)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Inhale, engage your pelvic floor, and lift your hips. Hold for up to 10 seconds (remember to keep breathing!) Slowly lower your hips back down and release your pelvic floor.
- Side-Lying Leg Lift
Lie on your side with your legs extended out straight. Your lower arm can rest under your head; your top arm can rest on your hip, use a pillow under your bump for extra comfort. Lift your top leg up and slightly backward while keeping your hips steady and facing forward (do not rotate/roll backward). Slowly lower down and repeat.
- Wall Squats
Stand with your head, shoulders, and back against a wall with your feet about 1 to 2 feet away from the wall and shoulder width apart. Press your lower back into the wall and squat as if you were going to sit down, holding your knees at approximately a 90-degree angle. Stand up slowly, keeping your back and buttocks in contact with the wall.
If you wish to know more or have any further questions about how osteopathy could help you with your exciting journey through pregnancy. Tom works at one of the studios where I teach. Contact Tom at EDH Physio and Fitness (07551424370).
31 July 2018
Tips for your birth partners!
Worried you may not get the support you want or need? Is your birth partner anxious that they won't know how to help you in the way you need them to? Get your birth partner prepared before the big day by giving them a list of how they can help you in the best possible way. Perhaps print this off and pass it onto them.
- Use your initiative and give her positive encouragement and reassurance
- If things seem to be getting intense and difficult to cope with maintain eye contact and remain calm
- Plenty of massage (if wanted - not every women likes a massage)
- Speak quietly and gently
- Encourage her to breath slowly and steadily – concentrating on a long outbreath
- Remind her to relax her jaw, and drop her shoulders
- Remind her to go to the toilet every hour and give her assistance if she needs it
- Explain what’s happening
- Give her drinks if she’s thirsty, snacks if she’s hungry
- Help her to reapply lip balm, face mist, moisturiser as needed
- Act as advocate – explain her needs (and yours) to healthcare staff and ensure they read your birth plan
- Remind staff to ask for her consentbefore they do any interventions
- Keep your own strength up – sandwiches, biscuits, drinks
- Just be with her and enjoy the birth of your child together
- Before making any big decisions - remember the acronym:
B enefits
R isks
A lternatives
I nstinct
N othing
Feel free to add any of your own tips!
These tips and more will be covered at my Birth Journey antenatal workshop series for expectant parents. There are 2 spaces left - so be quick to reserve yours! For more information and to book click on above link.
2 July 2018
Placentas and Placentophagy - is it weird fad or delicious and nutritious?
There is a growing trend in consuming your own placenta for health benefits – this is called placentophagy. You may have heard of some people eating their own placenta and raving about the benefits. Or you may get squeamish at the thought of eating an organ that your body has made.
One can consume their own placenta (or someone else’s) in various forms:
- as a smoothie mixed in with fruit, yoghurt and/or milk
- sautéed and fried
- mixed in with ground beef in a lasagne
- dried, ground and encapsulated
- in a tincture
- if you are feeling brave – have it raw (but washed)
For humans, this practice is fairly recent. However, animals have been eating their own placenta forever and they eat it raw straight after the birth. It is thought they eat it so they get rid of any smell that will attracts predators – so it is a preservation thing.
In humans, the first record of placentophagy are tied to the natural birth and home birth movement in the US during the 60s. However, it is only in the last 10 years that it was become a well-known practice. The recent popularity is mainly due to greater awareness in the media. A number of doula and midwives advocate this practice. During my years working as a midwife I rarely came across it whilst working in the NHS, however, it was very common practice amongst my clients as an independent midwife. Again, this can be attributed to number of home births I did and perhaps with women wanting to explore alternative treatments for a healthier lifestyle.
So, what are the benefits? It is thought to:
- boost milk production
- fight postpartum depression
- reduce pain in recovery
- increase energy
- increase iron-intake
Unfortunately, not much research has been done on the amounts of nutrients in a placenta and if the cooking/dehydrating process degrades the beneficial hormones and nutrients.
After the birth, the midwife will check the placenta and cord for any abnormalities – this forms part of the clinical care of the mother and baby. If there are abnormalities it is recommended your placenta be sent for analysis. Ask her to show you what she is looking out for. I’ve had plenty of clients ask me to show them their placenta and how it functions and they are all in awe that their body made this organ! It is fascinating (I think)! If the placenta is ok, then feel free to ask to keep it. This is your organ and therefore you have the right to decide what to do with your own placenta.
This topic will be covered further at my Birth Journey antenatal workshop for new expectant parents. Early bird offer closes on 4th July - so be quick to book your space!
If you are interested in tasting your own placenta but are too squeamish to eat it in its original form, you can have it dried, ground up into powder and encapsulated. I can recommend Doulas of Kew who offer this service - you need to book and arrange it with advance notice so please book early.
29 May 2018
How do I know my baby is growing well and is healthy?
There are several ways to measure how your baby is growing:
- measuring your bump with tape measure
- measuring your bump with fingers
- estimating your baby's weight with an ultrasound scan
- Measuring your bump with tape measure
Measuring the height of your uterus helps determine if your baby is growing normally at each stage of the pregnancy. The term for measuring your uterus is called the symphysis-fundal height. This means the midwife will feel for the top of your uterus (ie the fundus) and using a tape measure will measure from the top of the fundus down to the bony part of your pubic
At about 13-14 weeks, the top of the uterus is usually just above the mother’s pubic bone. At about 20-22 weeks, the top of the uterus is usually right at the mother’s bellybutton (umbilicus). At about 36-40 weeks, the top of the uterus is almost up to the bottom of the mother’s ribs. Babies may drop lower in the weeks just before birth as they go into the pelvis and this may decrease the fundal height.
In terms of centimetres, measurement of the symphysis-fundal height will correspond to the number of weeks that you are pregnant, ie at 30 weeks pregnant your fundal height will be approx. 30 cms.
2. Measuring your bump with fingers
Some midwives will instead of a tape measure use their fingers to measure how many fingers above the umbilicus the top of the fundus is, ie 1 finger per 1 centimetre. The limitations for this finger method is that every clinician's hands are different and this can lead to a discrepancy in measurement. Measuring with a tape measure overcomes this problem.
As healthcare professionals, we need to take into account your and the baby’s father’s genetics – taller parents will tend to mean a taller baby, and vice versa. Also important is having continuity of carer – ie the same person measuring the fundal height. Having the same person measure your bump at each appointment will mean they are best placed to pick up any discrepancies. In the hospital where I worked at, we looked at if your bump measures more than 2 cms smaller or larger than your gestation (number of weeks) then you may be referred to get an ultrasound scan.
3. Estimating your baby's weight with an ultrasound scan
Another way you to find out how well your baby is growing is through an ultrasound scan. The sonographer will measure the femur length, head circumference amongst other measurements. This is then plotted against the average for that gestation. These measurements can be seen in your ultrasound scan report and for normal results you are looking for the black dot (•) to be anywhere along the line – like this |-----•---|. If the dot is on the left side of the lines then your baby’s growth is on the smaller side • |---------| or if it is on the right side of the lines it is on the larger side |----------| •
Using these measurements, the baby’s weight can be estimated. However, keep in mind that the further along in your pregnancy you are the more difficult it becomes for the sonographer to accurately perform measurements. This leads to overestimating a baby’s growth and can lead to unnecessary worry. According to a 2016, an analysis of the outcomes of 64,030 women shows that the practice of estimating the baby’s weight before it is born is associated with an increased chance of the woman having a caesarean section.
- 18.5% of women who had their baby’s weight estimated by ultrasound and documented in their notes had a caesarean section
- 13.4% of women who had their baby’s weight estimated clinically (estimation by a midwife/doctor feeling the baby with their hands) and documented in their notes had a caesarean section
- 11.7% of women whose baby’s weight was not estimated/documented had a caesarean section
Midwife and author, Sara Wickham, states that we must not underestimate the effect that our human perceptions have on decisions. If clinicians think and see documentation that the baby might be larger than average they might be quicker to suggest a caesarean section. What concerns Sara is when women are not told about the possible risks and benefits of this type of screening (measurement) before it is performed on them and then documented in their notes.
The national guidance for the UK (NICE 2008) also suggests that ultrasound estimation of fetal size for suspected large unborn babies should not be undertaken in a low-risk population.
Sara says “given the ramifications of this screening test, not to mention the fact that our estimation of fetal weight is often not that accurate… we need to give some serious thought to whether it is justifiable to continue such a practice or whether it might be something that women should be informed about and asked about before it is performed”.
Would you prefer to be asked whether you want to know the estimated size of your baby? Would you find it helpful to know for yourself what your baby’s estimated weight is at each antenatal appointment? Or would you only rather know whether the baby is growing smaller or larger than average and then get further screening tests?
If you would like further reassurance or information I offer one-off antenatal appointments at home where we can fully discuss your situation and your options – you can book an appointment via the contact form.
Froehlich, RRJ, Sandoval, G, Bailit, JL et al, for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network (2016). Association of Recorded Estimated Fetal Weight and Cesarean Delivery in Attempted Vaginal Delivery at Term. Obstetrics & Gynecology 128(3): 487-94. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001571
NICE (2008) Clinical guideline 62 – Antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (updated 2017)
24 April 2018
The labour process can be a marathon!
Did you watch the London marathon on Sunday? I'm a big fan and am usually on the street cheering the runners on, however, this year I was teaching a class. So, I'd like to explain how the London marathon is similar process of going into labour. This isn't meant to scare you at all, in actual fact it is meant to make you in awe of your body's capabilities.
They say that the level of energy your labouring body expends is the same as a marathon runner. Sometimes the early niggling phase of labour can be long and perhaps it ramps up to established labour and then stops and restarts again. This is called a long latent phase.
This can leave you exhausted - a bit like when a marathon runner hits "the wall". So, as with any long-distance runner, it is important to look after yourself. Here are some tips if this happens to you:
- Trust the process - know that this is common and your body is getting ready for the event in its own way.
- Stay well nourished - important to keep your energy levels up. Labour is taxing on the body and if you don't eat much your body will start breaking down its own fat reserves. This will show up in your urine test as ketones (a side effect of breaking down fat). Perhaps you won't feel like eating big meals as it can be common to feel nausea and vomit. So, instead have small light snacks.
- Keep hydrated- keep sipping water or energy drinks. Perhaps not gulping down liquids as this may make you feel queasy and if you have too much water then you may suffer from low sodium levels.
- Go to the toilet- keeping your bladder empty: will prevent damaging the nerves around the bladder, and will mean your baby's head can descend further down into your pelvis.
- Try to rest - try and sleep if possible, you'd be surprised how many women are able to sleep in between contractions! If you can't lie down, try leaning over a your birth ball or pillows. If sleep doesn't come then try having warm baths, massages.
- Listen to your body- you may be told to keep mobilising, walking or bouncing on your ball to get labour moving on, but if you feel like resting, go with your instincts - you want to save your energy for later.
- Don't obsess over numbers- try not to pay attention to how many centimetres your cervix is dilated. If you are being examined vaginally, ask your midwife to tell you if your cervix is thinning or whether the baby's head has moved down. Both of these are also indicators that the labour is progressing - cervix dilation isn't everything!
- Remember oxytocin- this amazing hormone helps to progress your labour. Get yourself some cuddles, massage and low mood lighting to increase your oxytocin levels and keep adrenaline at bay.
If you’d like to sign up to my Yoga for Labour and Birth workshop (28th April at 13.15-15.15) where I show you a yoga sequence to practise during this latent phase. There are only a couple of spaces left. Please email me or book the workshop on the Yoga West workshop website.
17 April 2018
Breathing during labour
During pregnancy yoga, we do several exercises to stretch the sides of your body to give more space for your lungs. We also do breathing exercises to help focus the mind and body, and to regulate our breathing rate and ensure we are getting enough oxygen to your lungs and to your baby.
Generally, the breathing techniques that I teach places emphasis on your exhale. I do this by getting you to visualise a white feather floating in front of your face or a golden thread coming out of your slightly-parted lips. The aim is to blow away the white feather or gold thread further and further away from you during a contraction/surge/wave.
Perhaps you have heard of Ina May Gaskin and her sphincter theory. She explains how the more the jaw is relaxed the more the cervix can dilate. Therefore, by keeping your focus on your exhale and making it longer than your inhale you can help to speed up your labour progress.
This reminded me of a conversation I had with one of my friends. She commented on how her labour was helped by whistling throughout her contractions. I thought that was fascinating at the time and did some research. I found that some hypnobirthing techniques encourage women to make a noise during the exhale which could be a “sshhh” noise or a deep exhale. Indeed, my friend used a whistling technique. I think that having this added sound can help you to focus your mind on something other than the intensity of the labour sensations. Making a noise during the exhale can also work to lengthen it and relax the muscles in the face and jaw.
If you are a practiced yogi you may find it useful to use your Ujjayi breathing. This is another way to create sound during the exhale. This breathing technique is sometimes called "the ocean breath". It works by slightly narrowing the back of the throat which constricts the passage of air. It’s important never to hold your breath during labour (or in pregnancy) as your body and your baby needs oxygenated blood.
Another breathing technique to lengthen the out breath is by counting. Inhale to the count of 3 and exhale to the count of 3 initially, but then gradually lengthen the exhale to the count of 5. You can count in your head or get your birth partner to help you count out loud. Alternatively, instead of counting perhaps focus on the sensation of cold air coming in through the nostrils and warm air leaving your nose and mouth.
If you’d like to sign up to my Yoga for Labour and Birth workshop (28th April) where I show you different breathing techniques to go along with each stage of labour please email me or book the workshop on the Yoga West workshop website
10 April 2018
The Importance of Making a Caesarean Plan
You might be thinking: ‘what’s the point of making a caesarean birth plan?’ Perhaps you know you definitely don't want one and are preparing for a vaginal birth. However, by making this plan it doesn't mean you are going to have a caesarean - you might not! And by making this plan it doesn't mean that you will thoroughly enjoy the theatre experience – you may not. It just means that you are better prepared and feel actively involved to cover this eventuality should it arise.
Caesarean sections can be planned:
- due to baby being in a transverse position (lying in a horizontal line across your uterus)
- placenta covering the cervix
- your choice
Or they can be unplanned, as a situation arises during labour (what you might call an emergency section):
- if circumstances deviate from normal
- if there are concerns for your health or your baby's health during pregnancy
An emergency c-section's name is a little misleading because it is not always an urgent/life-threatening situation. If this is so, then it is called a crash section.
There are many different reasons why a caesarean might be necessary or wanted, but I’m not going to go into them now. However, here are some useful tips to ensure you regain some control over a situation where you might feel you have no control over.
The Gentle, Natural or Woman-centred caesarean
This is a new type of caesarean that puts the woman back at the centre of her birth experience. Circumstances may dictate that this is the way your baby needs to be born, however, you can still make some choices around the environment and what happens to your baby immediately after birth. What constitutes a Gentle Caesarean?
- the room is kept calm and quiet
- all theatre staff are asked to stand at your head end while your urinary catheter is inserted to maintain your dignity and privacy
- music of your choice is played (using your own headphones as one of my yoga student’s did, or ask the theatre staff to tune in the theatre’s radio to your preferred music station)
“when we were in theatre a radio was playing so I asked for it to be turned off and I put on my headphones and listened to your labour and birth playlist which I had downloaded. My son was pulled out of me to the ‘breathing ripples track which I think is what you often play at the end of your classes during shavasana” – Lucy, Acton
- the screen is lowered during the birth so that you and your partner can watch your baby being born
- you can still choose delayed cord clamping (as long as all is well with baby)
- the ECG dots are attached to your back so as not to interfere with immediate skin-to-skin
- your IV line to be placed in your non-dominant hand so it is easier for you to touch and hold your baby
- ask the theatre staff not to tell you the sex of the baby, if you want to discover it or yourself
The above 8 points are not the ‘standard’ method of caesareans, so you will have to have a discussion with your care providers to see whether they can accommodate your wishes. Because it is not the ‘usual way’ of doing things you may be met with some disgruntled care providers. Don’t be afraid to consult different obstetricians or go to a different hospital, if your first obstetrician does not do certain elements of your gentle caesarean plan.
If your caesarean is done under general anaesthetic, you can include some other points for your plan:
- ask for a film/photo of the birth to be taken of your baby being born. Being able to see the film/pictures afterwards can help it seem more real to you
- ask for the baby to be placed for skin-to-skin with your birth partner
Remember that your birth experience will remain with you for the rest of your life and so it is important that you feel happy and your choices are respected. Studies have shown that feeling in control and respected during the birth experience have a huge impact on you and your family. Be prepared to negotiate with your care providers and find ones that will support you in your choices. Furthermore, you may never have to use your Caesarean birth plan, but I think it is good to have it for ‘just in case’.