Birth Preparation Workshops/ Antenatal Classes
** Rebecca is currently available for online sessions **
Rebecca can offer tailored one-to-one birth preparation sessions. Each session lasts approx 2 hours.
Private sessions:
Labour care
Tailored to the client's situation and needs labour care is split into two sessions each lasting 2 hours and includes writing of a Birth Plan:
- Difference between early labour and established labour
- Signs of labour
- Stages of labour
- When to call your midwife or go into hospital
- Breathing exercises
- Pain relief: pharmacological and non-pharmacological
- Optimal position for labour
- Pregnancy yoga for labour
- Transition
- Protecting your perineum
- Birthing your baby, skin to skin, cord clamping
- Birthing the placenta
- What apgar scores mean
- Unexpected situations
- Medical intervention
- Caesarean section - emergency/planned, gentle caesarean, optimal cord clamping, skin to skin, seeding baby's microbiome
Session £180
Coping techniques for labour and birth
This session is 1 hour and will equip you with tools to use during your labour and birth:
- Breathing for labour and birth
- Visualisations: golden thread and white feather
- Massage techniques
- Yoga for each phase of labour
- Optimal birth positions for an easier labour
- Protecting your perineum
- Essential oils for labour and birth
- Reflex points on hands and feet
- Finish off with a guided meditation
2hr Session is £180
Infant feeding
This 2 hour session will help prepare you in advance for when your newborn arrives:
- Breastfeeding - physiology of lactation
- Correct positioning and attachment
- Signs that baby is feeding well
- Changing of baby stool colour
- Weight gain and weight loss in the first week
- Manual expressing
- Engorgement and mastitis
- Bottle feeding - sterilising equipment, formula milk
- Skin to skin
- Managing expectations
- Tongue-tie
- Jaundice
Session is £100

You can book each session separately
Or the whole course for £600
Postnatal care for mother
- Emotional health - hormones, baby blues and postnatal depression
- Colostrum and milk
- Healing from stitches
- Wound care
- Lochia/bleeding
- Sleep
- Postnatal nutrition
- Recovering from instrumental delivery or caesarean section
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Diastasis recti
- Birth debriefing, organising a re-birth and/or closing of the bones ceremony
Session is £100
Life with your newborn
How to look after your newborn baby:
- What to expect during the first week
- Practical help from family and friends
- Changing nappies, handling newborn, swaddling, burping
- What is in the nappy?
- Cord care
- Bathing
- Normal newborn behaviour
- Basic first aid and CPR
- When to seek medical help
- Risks for SIDS
Session is £100
"The content of the sessions was fully researched and enormously helpful, Rebecca answered all questions with expert knowledge and both my husband and I came away much more confident in our understanding of what to expect in the coming months."